Состав и назначение Активный компонент Назначение Диметикон 1,2% Защита кожи Неактивные ингредиенты: вода, глицерин, дистеарилдимонийхлорид, вазелин, изопропил пальмитат, цетиловый спирт, овсяная мука, бензиловый спирт, хлорид натрия. Dimethicone Skin ProtectantClinically Proven to Relieve Dry SkinMoisturizes for 24 HoursFragrance FreeDermatologist Recommended For Over 60 YearsSoothing OatmealThis dermatologist recommended unique oatmeal formula locks in moisture to help prevent and protect dry skin, providing temporary relief of the scaling and chapping associated with dry skin. The naturally nourishing, non-greasy lotion absorbs quickly, is noncomedogenic (won''''t clog pores), and contains no added fragrance. Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion leaves your skin soft, smooth and naturally healthy-looking.Clinically proven to:Relieve Dry SkinMoisture For 24 HoursSimply put, Active Naturals ingredients are derived from nature and uniquely formulated to reveal skin''''s natural health and beauty.Essential Active Naturals:Skin-soothing natural colloidal oatmeal.Uses:Helps prevent and temporarily protects chafed, chapped or cracked skin.Helps prevent and protect from the drying effects of wind and cold weather.
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