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The War of the Worlds

The War of the Worlds

Старая цена: 3351 руб.

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"For a time I believed that mankind had been swept out of existence, and that I stood there alone, the last man left alive." When an alien capsule lands on Horsell Common, Woking, crowds of astonished onlookers gather. But wonder soon turns to terror when the Martians emerge. Armed with deadly heat rays, the aliens begin their conquest of earth. Confronted by powers beyond our control, a technology far in advance of our own, and a race of alien invaders which regard us as no more than ants, humankind faces extinction. While the world crumbles under the shadow of the Martian menace, one man sets out alone across the desolate wasteland to find his wife. . .

Проверено 06.03.2025 г.

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