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Dot to Dot for Grown Ups

Dot to Dot for Grown Ups

Старая цена: 2680 руб.

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This follow-up volume to Dot-to-Dot for Grown Ups contains similarly wide-ranging themes, including world landmarks like the Duomo in Florence, the London Eye and Ayers Rock; animals such as flying gulls and swimming tigers; works of arts (Monet's Waterlilies, Van Gogh's Sunflowers and Rembrandt's Night Watch); classic vehicles (including sports cars, yachts, hot air balloons and trams); scenes from the entertainment sphere (clowns, opera singers and plate spinners); sports (gymnastics, golf, tennis); and a range of historical, geographical and fantastical scenes (Terracotta Army, Star Trek, etc.).

Проверено 03.03.2025 г.

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