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Murder at the Movies

Murder at the Movies

Старая цена: 2934 руб.

Предложения партнеров:

Meet Charley - a totally ordinary 13-year-old, who's also an international singing sensation. Meet George - Charley's best friend, social media whizz, and budding comedian. Charley and George are in Sydney, where Charley is filming her first movie. But when mysterious accidents begin to happen whenever Charley's on set, the duo suspect someone isn't as excited about her big screen debut as they are . . . No one else seems to believe that Charley's in real danger and anyone - from the bad-tempered director to Charley's rude co-star - could be a suspect. Can the detective dream team solve their second mystery, wrap the movie - and keep Charley in one piece?

Проверено 05.03.2025 г.

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