Key readings in risk management from CFA Institute, the preeminent organization representing financial analysts Risk management may have been the single most important topic in finance over the past two decades. To appreciate its complexity, one must understand the art as well as the science behind it. Risk Management: Foundations for a Changing Financial World provides investment professionals with a solid framework for understanding the theory, philosophy, and development of the practice of risk management by Outlining the evolution of risk management and how the discipline has adapted to address the future of managing risk Covering the full range of risk management issues, including firm, portfolio, and credit risk management Examining the various aspects of measuring risk and the practical aspects of managing risk Including key writings from leading risk management practitioners and academics, such as Andrew Lo, Robert Merton, John Bogle, and Richard Bookstaber For financial analysts, money managers, and others in the finance industry, this book offers an in-depth understanding of the critical topics and issues in risk management that are most important to today’s investment professionals.
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