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Finance. Capital Markets, Financial Management, and Investment Management

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Created by the experienced author team of Frank Fabozzi and Pamela Peterson Drake, Finance examines the essential elements of this discipline and makes them accessible to a wide array of readers-from seasoned veterans looking for a review to newcomers needing to get their footing in finance. Divided into four comprehensive parts, this reliable resource opens with a detailed discussion of the basic tools of investing and financing decision-making—financial mathematics and financial analysis. After this informative introduction, you'll quickly become familiar with the three primary areas of finance—capital markets (Part II), financial management (Part III), and investment/asset management (Part IV)?-and discover how these different areas are interconnected. Finance is a well-rounded guide to this dynamic field. The straightforward insights found here will put you in a better position to understand what the principles of modern finance are and how they can be used to make the right decisions when managing risk and return in today's complex financial environment.

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