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Coaching for Leadership

Цена: 7682 руб. товар в наличии

PRAISE FOR COACHING FOR LEADERSHIP «What a resource! In Coaching for Leadership, the world's best coaches come together to present an advanced tutorial on the art of coaching. Anyone interested in becoming an executive coach, either as an individual practice or within his or her organization, must immediately buy and read this essential hands-on guide» —Sally Helgesen, author The Female Vision and The Web of Inclusion «This exceptional book is a must read for individuals at all levels of organization. Coaches, HR managers, and executives hoping to become coaches will benefit greatly from the concepts, practices, and techniques brought to light in Coaching for Leadership.» —Vijay Govindarajan, professor at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth; best-selling author of The Other Side of Innovation: Solving the Execution Challenge «This book is very important and valuable for executives who are reaching retirement and moving into another important area of contribution: coaching others to become effective executives. It is no less significant for corporate HR executives who are increasingly called upon to manage coaching interventions on behalf of their companies' leaders.» —D. Quinn Mills, professor, Harvard Business School «Coaching for Leadership explores powerful new ways to motivate your entire organization. Individuals at every level of the company will benefit from the concepts in this book.» —Ken Blanchard, author, Leading at a Higher Level and The One-Minute Manager

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Проверено 20.01.2025 г.

  • Курьером;
  • Самовывоз из постаматов и пунктов выдачи;
  • Почтой России;
  • Транспортными компаниями.
  • Наличными при получении;
  • Банковской картой;
  • Безналичным расчетом.

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