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The Wiley Handbook of Contextual Behavioral Science

Цена: 20566 руб. товар в наличии

The Wiley Handbook of Contextual Behavioral Science describes the philosophical and empirical foundation of the contextual behavioral science movement; it explores the history and goals of CBS, explains its core analytic assumptions, and describes Relational Frame Theory as a research and practice program. This is the first thorough examination of the philosophy, basic science, applied science, and applications of Contextual Behavioral Science Brings together the philosophical and empirical contributions that CBS is making to practical efforts to improve human wellbeing Organized and written in such a way that it can be read in its entirety or on a section-by-section basis, allowing readers to choose how deeply they delve into CBS Extensive coverage of this wide ranging and complex area that encompasses both a rich basic experimental tradition and in-depth clinical application of that experimental knowledge Looks at the development of RFT, and its implications for alleviating human suffering

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Проверено 18.01.2025 г.

  • Курьером;
  • Самовывоз из постаматов и пунктов выдачи;
  • Почтой России;
  • Транспортными компаниями.
  • Наличными при получении;
  • Банковской картой;
  • Безналичным расчетом.

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